We have experienced experts with the right character and expertise to proficiently defend.
Many of our consultants accept appointments to act as independent experts in arbitration or litigation, and, at GMCS, we understand the importance of finding the right expert to give evidence in each particular case. We have numerous quantum and delay experts who are experienced in providing opinion evidence in their specialist fields and being cross-examined. These services are a considerable proportion of the work that we do. However, we know that it takes more than simply offering up an experienced expert to find the ‘right fit’ for our clients and their legal teams. Our quantum and delay experts are adept at communicating complex technical analysis in a manner that is readily comprehensible by those who do not have the same level of technical expertise. This allows our experts to add value by enabling both clients and their legal teams to get a depth of understanding of the technical merits of their case at a relatively early stage in the proceedings.